Indonesian Government and BOS Foundation to Repatriate Baby Orangutan from Kuwait
TheGovernment of the Republic of Indonesia, through its Ministry of Environment and Forestry,
andMinistry of Foreign Affairs, together withthe BOS Foundation repatriate
a malebabyorangutan from Kuwait to Indonesia.Jakarta, April 17,2017
TheMinistry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) throughits Directorate–General of Natural Resources and Ecosystem Conservation (KSDAE), and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs(Kemlu)viathe Indonesian Embassy
in Kuwait in cooperation with the Kuwait Zoo, together with the BOS Foundationare repatriating ababy
orangutanthat was illegally smuggled into Kuwait.
Local authorities in Kuwait discovered the2-year-old male orangutan, namedTaymur,when he was spotted
being driven around in a car by a Kuwait national.TheIndonesian Embassy in Kuwait quickly respondedto
reportsby coordinating with theKemluand theKLHK, which then contacted the BOS Foundationtoassist
withrepatriatingTaymur to Indonesia.
As an organisation focusedon therescue,rehabilitationand release oforangutans, BOS Foundation hasthe
experienceand expertiseto helprepatriate smuggledorangutanslike Taymur. BOS Foundation was actively
involved in repatriatingtwo other orangutans –Puspa and Moza–from Kuwait inJuly2015. These two
orangutans, and otherorangutans repatriated from Thailand werevictimsof theillegalpet trade.
To ensure Taymur’ssafety and welfareduring the trip, and following a specially designed Standard Operating
Proceedure (SOP),BOS Foundationflew one of its mostexperienced veterinariansto Kuwait to accompany
Taymur.The flightcarrying Taymur