OVP 2024_25

Join Becky In Borneo On Our Orangutan Volunteer Program

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Join us for an unforgettable orangutan-packed adventure with Lou Grossfeldt
trekking through Australia's Sapphire Coast
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Because their future depends on us

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Jeni was badly injured during her time in captivity

Monyo was only 6 months old when he lost his mother

Show You Care – Adopt Today!

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Our Vision

Our vision is a world where orangutans are free from the threat of extinction and can live in the wild, unharmed by humans.

Orangutans have been released
back to their home.
Orangutans are being cared for in
our two sanctuaries.

Adopt an orphaned orangutan

Orangutans are on the brink of extinction. Help provide the care and rehabilitation 
they need to return to the wild.

The Problem

There are numerous threats to the viability of the remaining wild orangutan population in Indonesia and Malaysia.  The primary threat is the loss of habitat with up to 80% of suitable forest in Indonesia and Malaysia having been lost in the past 20 years. Other threats, which often go hand-in-hand with the destruction of the rainforest, are the illegal pet trade and poaching.

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You’ll receive updates from our orangutans, stories from our sanctuaries and learn more about our
work to save these beautiful creatures.

Our Community

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Are you still looking for the #PerfectGift for your #valentine?

Our #instantgifts are truly #unique and help save the critically #endangered Bornean #orangutans and their #Rainforest homes.

For example, sponsoring one of our #baby #orangutan #Orphans as a gift for one year is guaranteed to melt hearts.


#saveorangutans #ValentinesDay #love #giftideas
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1 day ago

Are you still looking for the #PerfectGift for your #Valentine? 

Our #InstantGifts are truly #unique and help save the critically #endangered Bornean #orangutans and their #rainforest homes.

For example, sponsoring one of our #baby #orangutan #orphans as a gift for one year is guaranteed to melt hearts.


#saveorangutans #valentinesday #love #giftideas

Are you still looking for the #PerfectGift for your #valentine?

Our #instantgifts are truly #unique and help save the critically #endangered Bornean #orangutans and their #Rainforest homes.

For example, sponsoring one of our #baby #orangutan #Orphans as a gift for one year is guaranteed to melt hearts.


#saveorangutans #ValentinesDay #love #giftideas
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1 day ago

Are you still looking for the #PerfectGift for your #Valentine? 

Our #InstantGifts are truly #unique and help save the critically #endangered Bornean #orangutans and their #rainforest homes.

For example, sponsoring one of our #baby #orangutan #orphans as a gift for one year is guaranteed to melt hearts.


#saveorangutans #valentinesday #love #giftideas


Do you remember the story of Hamzah crashing Lesan and Sayang's party?

It's been two years sinc#orangutan#orangutan mums and their offspring last celebrated at Camp Lesi#surprise #surprise, when they recently returned for anothe#checkout
#CheckOut what happened in the sequel:
orangutans.com.au/orangutan-party-2 (or link#weekendvibese#saveorangutansOrangutans
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4 days ago


Do you remember the story of Hamzah crashing Lesan and Sayangs party? 

Its been two years since the two #orangutan mums and their offspring last celebrated at Camp Lesik. What a #surprise, when they recently returned for another party.

#CheckOut what happened in the sequel: 
orangutans.com.au/orangutan-party-2 (or link in bio)

#Weekendvibes #SaveOrangutans

Comment on Facebook



Do you remember the story of Hamzah crashing Lesan and Sayang's party?

It's been two years sinc#orangutan#orangutan mums and their offspring last celebrated at Camp Lesi#surprise #surprise, when they recently returned for anothe#checkout
#CheckOut what happened in the sequel:
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4 days ago


Do you remember the story of Hamzah crashing Lesan and Sayangs party? 

Its been two years since the two #orangutan mums and their offspring last celebrated at Camp Lesik. What a #surprise, when they recently returned for another party.

#CheckOut what happened in the sequel: 

#Weekendvibes #SaveOrangutans

#JoinUs on a life-changing adventure with Lou Grossfeldt, BOS Australia Vice President and renowned orangutan expert, as we trek 42 km along the #breathtaking Sapphire Coast.

Every step you take helps rescue, rehabilitate, release and protect the critically endangered #orangutans in #borneo and their #Rainforest habitat.🦧

📅 May 2–5, 2025
🌏 Tathra to Merimbula, NSW
🚶 Limited spots available!

#booknow and make a difference:

#trekfororangutans #saveorangutans #dontmissout #trek #adventure #love #nature
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7 days ago

Comment on Facebook

Oh how I wish I were younger and could walk 42kms. Always been my dream to see the Orang-utans.

#sharethelove - #AdoptAnOrangutan for your #valentine!💝

Your loved one will receive a personalised gift certificate and enjoy quarterly updates about their orangutan's progress.

Adopt now: orangutans.com.au/product-category/instant-gifts (or link in bio)#adoptionption or one of our other beautiful Instant Gifts make a real difference in the lives of#orphanedh#orangutansutans. With #gift#gift,#help#help them learn essential survival skill#OrangutanJungleSchoolchool, preparing them to return to their #Rainforestorest home one day.

Shop Instant Gifts here: orangutans.com.au/product-category/instant-gifts (or link in b#ValentinesDaye#valentinesgifts#saveorangutansu#giftthatgivesbacks#mondaymotivationation
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1 week ago

#ShareTheLove - #AdoptAnOrangutan for your #Valentine!💝 

Your loved one will receive a personalised gift certificate and enjoy quarterly updates about their orangutans progress.

Adopt now: orangutans.com.au/product-category/instant-gifts (or link in bio)

An #adoption or one of our other beautiful Instant Gifts make a real difference in the lives of our #orphaned #orangutans. With your #gift, you #help them learn essential survival skills at #OrangutanJungleSchool, preparing them to return to their wild #rainforest home one day.

Shop Instant Gifts here: orangutans.com.au/product-category/instant-gifts (or link in bio)

#ValentinesDay #ValentinesGift #SaveOrangutans #GiftThatGivesBack #MondayMotivation

#sharethelove - #AdoptAnOrangutan for your #Valentine!💝

Your loved one will receive a personalised gift certificate and enjoy quarterly updates about their orangutan's progress.

Adopt now: orangutans.com.au/product-category/instant-gifts#adoptionption or one of our other beautiful Instant Gifts make a real difference in the lives of#orphanedh#orangutansutans. With #gift#gift,#help#help them learn essential survival skill#OrangutanJungleSchoolchool, preparing them to return to their #Rainforestorest home one day.

Shop Instant Gifts here: orangutans.com.au/product-category/instant-gi#ValentinesDaye#valentinesgifts#saveorangutansu#giftthatgivesbacks#mondaymotivationation
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1 week ago

#ShareTheLove - #AdoptAnOrangutan for your #Valentine!💝

Your loved one will receive a personalised gift certificate and enjoy quarterly updates about their orangutans progress.

Adopt now: orangutans.com.au/product-category/instant-gifts

An #adoption or one of our other beautiful Instant Gifts make a real difference in the lives of our #orphaned #orangutans. With your #gift, you #help them learn essential survival skills at #OrangutanJungleSchool, preparing them to return to their wild #rainforest home one day.

Shop Instant Gifts here: orangutans.com.au/product-category/instant-gifts

#ValentinesDay #ValentinesGift #SaveOrangutans #GiftThatGivesBack #MondayMotivation

READY - SET- GO - to #borneo!

If you sign up for our Enrichment #Volunteer Tours tours starting on 16 February, 2 March or 16 March 2025, you will receive a #discount of $200 using the code ORANG.

#booktoday and embark on your #tripofalifetime! See #orangutans and #sunbears, create enrichment for them, and #explore East Kalimantan�#breathtakingaking natural and cultural beau#booknowokNow: bit.ly/BOS-Australia-Volunt#JoinUso#dontmisst#saveorangutansu#travelr#adventurenture

Music #Uppbeatpbeat (free for Creators!):
License code: K7SWTG4TLQZMLIIE
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2 weeks ago

Comment on Facebook

Amazing experience 🔥💥🔥💥 i will never forget this mission 🧡🧡🧡🦧

Iwill never forget the 2 weeks volunteering in Samboja Lestari ❤️❤️

Thank you very much for looking after these amazing living creatures that are being turned into endangered species by despicable multinationals like Ferrero which makes Nutella or those making oreo cookies or Cadbury products, to name just a few, by destroying their natural forests in Indonesia and Borneo to plant Palm oíl trees just because Palm oíl IS cheap!!!! The internacional community MUST inform consumers about It and ban this appalling business and those Who buy those products containing Palm oíl MUST be aware of its terrible consequences... I always write this because many people do not know about It and we can help by not buying those products containing Palm oíl

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